The Food Distribution is from 9:00am to 10:30am on the 3rd Saturday of each month
at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Route 15 in Jericho.
We ask that out of town families arrive at 10:00am
to reduce congestion in the parking lot.
Please be patient with the drive thru process ~ Everyone will receive groceries.
Shared Outreach Ministry of Christian Congregations in
Essex, Jericho and Underhill
“From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does it’s work”
–Ephesians 4:16

Scholarships have been given to help local children attend summer camps where they would not otherwise be able. Emergency Aid is available for families in special need in the form of limited payments of utility or household operations bills. Distribution of these funds for these purposes is carefully monitored by our advisory board members. If you are in need or you know a community member in need, please contact us at 802-878-5997.

All churches belonging to the Ecumenical Ministry have services on a regular basis. You are welcome to contact any of the participating churches listed on the next page to find a schedule of services at a church of your choice.

There are many ways to care for our neighbors.
Those who give just a bit of themselves discover that they receive much more in return.