The Food Distribution is from 9:00am to 10:30am on the 3rd Saturday of each month
at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Route 15 in Jericho.
We ask that out of town families arrive at 10:00am
to reduce congestion in the parking lot.
Please be patient with the drive thru process ~ Everyone will receive groceries.
Calvary Episcopal Church 899-2326
Route 15. Jericho
Covenant Community Church 879-4313
Route 15, Essex
Essex Center United Methodist Church 878-8304
Route 15, Essex Center
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 899-3932
Route 15, Jericho
Jericho Congregational Church 899-4911
On the Green, Jericho Center
Jericho United Methodist Church 899-4288
Route 15, Jericho
St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church 878-5997
Route 15, Essex
St. Thomas Roman Catholic Church 899-4632
Green Street, Underhill Center
Catalyst Church 899-2949
Raceway Road, Jericho
United Church of Underhill 899-1722
7 Park Street, Underhill
Mount Mansfield Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
195 VT Route 15, Jericho 899-8528
access each church's website by clicking on its name.