The Food Distribution is from 9:00am to 10:30am on the 3rd Saturday of each month
at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Route 15 in Jericho.
We ask that out of town families arrive at 10:00am
to reduce congestion in the parking lot.
Please be patient with the drive thru process ~ Everyone will receive groceries.

Essex Jericho Underhill Ecumenical Ministry
PO BOX 65, Jericho, VT 05465
Food Donations Received by:
Jericho Settlers Farm Windwhistle Farm
Mountain High Pizza Pie Chapin Orchard
Mountain Mommas Claybrook Farm
Leo Club at MMU Heavenly Pantry
Bimbo's Bakery Outlet Girls On The Run
Vermont Auto Enthusiasts Region 1 Lions Club
Jericho Elementary School Adams Apple Orchard
Underhill Harvest Market Starry Nights 4-H
Jeri- Hill XYZ Senior Citizens Jerihill Hardware
Hannaford Helping Hand Boxes Jericho Settlers Farm
Farrell Chiropractic Center MMU Advisory Group
Underhill Central School Area Boyscout Troops
Deborah Rawson Memorial Library Valleyview Farm
Price Chopper Patrons Hannaford Patrons
All Area Church Members
Monetary Donations Received by:
Town of Essex Chittenden County Dairy Promoters
Town of Jericho Employees of General Dynamics
Town of Underhill Farrell Chiropractic
IBM Employees Essex Rotary Club Area Churches Fraternal Order of Eagles 3210 Aux
and individuals like you
(too many to list separately)